

Cimangola and Environmental Sustainability

Cimangola bases its vision on a sustainable future, both economically and environmentally, seeking in its operational activity, to minimize the environmental footprint, namely by the use of modern or rehabilitated and low emission furnaces, by the search for innovative solutions and by a greater capacity of its human resources so that everyone in the organization has a vision and culture of sustainability. The Company is committed to its environmental policy, seeking to mitigate the adverse impacts on the environment normally associated with cement industries.

Good practices include:

Bet on biodiversity conservation

We have plans in implementation, for the recovery and renovation of landscapes and rehabilitation of areas already explored, which can ensure the maintenance of balance in indigenous ecosystems.

We maintain in the two manufacturing units an ecosystem with several communities of plants and animals, in balance.

We are creating nurseries that allow the cultivation of native and exotic species to support the recovery of baldias areas and reforestation.

We regularly carry out afforestation campaigns, which allow the maintenance of the microclimate and local biodiversity, as they ensure the improvement of air quality.

Water quality

We regularly monitor the quality of water for human, industrial and wastewater consumption.

We seek with this surveillance and regular reporting, ensure that water from the network supplied to the company, maintains the appropriate conditions for human use, as well as the water that is additionally filtered used in the cafeteria areas, etc.

We also monitor the characteristics of industrial water to reduce the likelihood of damage to equipment chaos is inadequate.

We control the quality of waste water, allowing it to be possible to reuse it in the process of humidifying the soil to turn dust emission.

Environmental education

We regularly carry out training and internal awareness campaigns about the environment and also with regularities, awareness campaigns with members of neighboring communities (schools, residents and customers).

Waste management

We are creating multiple Ecopoints, allowing the segregation of waste by typology from the generating source, as well as the monitoring of the quantities generated.

We have partnerships with accredited entities for the collection, transportation and final deposition / recovery of RSU (municipal solid waste), industrial and hospital

We have a temporary waste storage plant for use in the waste co-processing project and we will build a general structure for the collection and segregation of industrial waste.

Resource control (Water, energy and fuel):

We do the statistical control of the consumption of resources, with the purpose of establishing objectives to reduce consumption and implement measures that make their use more efficient.

As part of the effective management of resources and increased thermal and electrical efficiency of the Sequele unit, Cimangola is focusing on the co-processing of waste with the use of the main waste generated in the two plants (paper, plastic, used fuel, rubber and tires) as well as other materials with high energy value.

Control of emission levels for the atmosphere

We constantly monitor the levels of carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, oxidation levels and other particles emitted by the manufacturing process equipment (such as the pre-calciner, furnace and mills), to ensure that they do not exceed the eu's permissible limit values, as well as the objectives set by the equipment itself.

We follow the maintenance plan of the despomenting filters along the process chain, to ensure the efficiency of the particle filtration process and reduction of their emission index. We humidify the soil in terraplaned areas with greater circulation to reduce the emission of particles into the atmosphere

We have made several investments such as placing bag filters along the conveyor belts to reduce particle emissions

We will continue to focus on environmental protection, with these and other measures so that Cimangola can be a reference in the cement sector in Angola, for its good environmental practices and sustainability-oriented activity.